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A Task is a small unit of work which needs to be completed. The Tasks API allows you to create, view, delete and update your Tasks. You can retrieve individual Tasks, list all Tasks, or use search filters to view subsets of your Tasks.

Task Properties

Field Type Details
id identifier Unique identifier for the Task.
name* string The name of the Task.
related_resource identifier The primary related resource for the Task.
assignee_id identifier Unique identifier of the User that will be the owner of the Task.
due_date number The date on which the Task is due.
reminder_date number The date on which to receive a reminder about the Task.
completed_date number The date on which the Task was completed. This is automatically set when the status changes from Open to Completed, and cannot be set directly.
priority string The priority of the Task. Valid values are: "None", "Low", "Medium", "High".
status string The status of the Task. Valid values are: "Open", "Completed".
details string Description of the Task.
tags list An array of the tags associated with the Task, represented as strings.
custom_fields[] object[] An array of custom field values belonging to the Task.
custom_fields[].custom_field_definition_id identifier The id of the Custom Field Definition for which this Custom Field stores a value.
custom_fields[].value mixed The value (number, string, option id, or timestamp) of this Custom Field.
date_created timestamp A Unix timestamp representing the time at which this Task was created.
date_modified timestamp A Unix timestamp representing the time at which this Task was last modified.

* indicates a required field