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List Pipelines

List Pipelines


Pipelines define the stages through which Opportunities move as they progress through your sales process. The Pipelines API allows you to retrieve the list of Pipelines associated with your Copper account.

Field Type Details
id identifier Unique identifier for the Pipeline.
name string The name of the Pipeline.
stages object[] The list of Pipeline Stages in this Pipelines

Example Requests


curl --location --request GET "" \
  --header "X-PW-AccessToken: YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" \
  --header "X-PW-Application: developer_api" \
  --header "X-PW-UserEmail: YOUR_EMAIL_HERE" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json"
    "id": 213214,
    "name": "Sales",
    "stages": [
        "id": 987790,
        "name": "Qualified",
        "win_probability": 5
        "id": 987791,
        "name": "Follow-up",
        "win_probability": 10
        "id": 987792,
        "name": "Presentation",
        "win_probability": 20
        "id": 987793,
        "name": "Contract Sent",
        "win_probability": 40
        "id": 987794,
        "name": "Negotiation",
        "win_probability": 80
    "id": 213215,
    "name": "Business Development",
    "stages": [
        "id": 987795,
        "name": "First Meeting",
        "win_probability": 10
        "id": 987796,
        "name": "Partner Meeting",
        "win_probability": 25
        "id": 987797,
        "name": "Negotiation",
        "win_probability": 50
        "id": 987798,
        "name": "Term Sheet",
        "win_probability": 75