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List People (Search)


The /search endpoint provides the ability to list people and sort the results by certain parameters. When multiple criteria are provided, records meeting ALL criteria will be returned (the filtering criteria have an 'AND' relationship).

Note that this endpoint is eligible to return computed custom field values, click here for more information.

To see examples of search request using the various parameters, click on the People Search dropdown on the right. Certain fields can be filtered by an empty value, i.e., filter records where the field is not specified. For People, these fields are: city, state, postal_code, tags, custom dropdown, custom multi-select fields. Some fields (e.g. assignee_ids) can also filter for an empty value by specifying -2 as the ID.

To change the number of records returned, change the "page_size" parameter. E.g., specify 200 for a page size of 200 records. Please note that search requests are limited to returning only the first 100,000 records regardless of the pagination parameters. If your search filter matches more than 100,000 records, we recommend modifying your search filter to separate your result set.

Field Type Details Default
ids identifier[] An array of People IDs. none
page_number number The page number (starting with 1) that you would like to view. 1
page_size number The number of entries included in a page of results 20
sort_by string The field on which to sort the results (see footnote 1). first_name
sort_direction string The direction in which to sort the results. Possible values are: asc or desc. asc
name string Full name of the People to search for. none
phone_number string Phone number of the People to search for. none
emails string[] Emails of the People to search for. none
contact_type_ids identifier[] The contact type Ids to search for (see footnote 2). none
assignee_ids identifier[] The ids of Users that People must be owned by, or -2 for People with no owner. none
company_ids identifier[] The ids of Companies that People belong to, or -2 for People with no company. none
opportunity_ids identifier[] An array of Opportunity IDs (see footnote 3). none
city string The city in which People must be located. none
state string The state or province in which People must be located. none
postal_code string The postal code in which People must be located. none
country string The two character country code where People must be located. none
tags string[] Filter People to those that match at least one of the tags specified. none
socials string[] Filter People to those that match at least one of the social accounts specified. none
followed number 1: followed, 2: not followed none
age number The maximum age in seconds that People must be. none
minimum_interaction_count number The minimum number of interactions People must have had. none
maximum_interaction_count number The maximum number of interactions People must have had. none
minimum_interaction_date timestamp The Unix timestamp of the earliest date of the last interaction. none
maximum_interaction_date timestamp The Unix timestamp of the latest date of the last interaction. none
minimum_created_date timestamp The Unix timestamp of the earliest date People are created. none
maximum_created_date timestamp The Unix timestamp of the latest date People are created. none


  1. Possible search fields are: name, title, email, phone, date_modified, date_created, city, state, country, zip, socials.
  2. See List Contact Types under Other Resources folder.
  3. See List Opportunities (Search) in the Opportunities section of the docs.

Request Body

  "page_size": 25,
  "sort_by": "name"


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Search by State

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  --header "X-PW-AccessToken: YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" \
  --header "X-PW-Application: developer_api" \
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        "date_lead_created": null

Search by Postal Code

curl --location --request POST "" \
  --header "X-PW-AccessToken: YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" \
  --header "X-PW-Application: developer_api" \
  --header "X-PW-UserEmail: YOUR_EMAIL_HERE" \
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Search by Followed

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  --header "X-PW-Application: developer_api" \
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Search by Tags

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Search by Socials

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Search by Date Added

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Search by Opportunity Ids

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Search by Custom Multi-Select Dropdown

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Search by City

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  --header "X-PW-Application: developer_api" \
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Search by Interaction Count

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Search by Assignee Id

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Search by Full Name

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